If you have questions or comments please feel free to email us
Any constructive correspondance we receive will be put on this website, unless requested
Goliath's People
From : |
Jill Edmonds |
Sent : |
Friday, October 29, 2004 1:44 PM |
To : |
<GoliathsHope@hotmail.com> |
Subject : |
Best Wishes |
I just wanted to tell you that I hope, so much, that Goliath's
surgery goes okay. I lost my puppy, Penny, almost 2, two days ago -- she died in my arms from an aneurysm, we think. I ran
across your Web site and I never want anyone to have to go through this horrible pain of losing a pet. Goliath looks like
a sweet, wonderful dog. I gave what I could, $10, and will check back to the Web site for updates.
Good luck,
From : |
Ann Peters <luvgsheps2@comcast.net> |
Sent : |
Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:35 AM |
To : |
<GoliathsHope@hotmail.com> |
Subject : |
Goliath Donation |
Hi There:
It is not much, but I hope it helps, I just sent a $10.00 Paypal donation for Goliath. I
am a animal lover, and owner of 4 German Shepherds. One of my babies had to have hip surgery at 13 months, she is now
going to be 9, and is happy and pain free. Goliath will be in my thoughts and prayers.
God Bless
Annie Peters
From: Bill
Sent : Monday October 18, 2004
Subject: Ads
I don't know if your web host allows, but google and Petsmart both offer ads at no cost to
Petsmart offers and affiliate program that is higher pay, but people must
buy something from petsmart online. You get roughly 15%. http://www.petsmart.com/ps/main.jsp in the blue section at the bottom of the page.
I know it's just a little, but it may help.
I sent you a donation as xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx.
Good Luck. I wish we could help more. | |
From: Jan
Sent: Thursday October 14, 2004
Subject: RE: Question
We will be happy to put a link out on our webpage for Goliath. I am so sorry that he has to
go through all of this, but thankful that he has such a wonderful family that cares so much about him.
Please keep
up posted as to his condition and thanks for loving him so much.
From : Chris and Amy
Sent: Thursday September 28, 2004
Subject: Sorry to hear about Goliath
Hi there! I saw your post on WW.com. I am really sorry to hear about Goliath's
My hubby and I had to put down his beloved cat Tiny (this summer) after finding that she
had a degenerative back problem that had apparently been there for years but never caught. It was the worse case they
had ever seen. My DH couldn't bear to put her down so we put her on meds. She did better but then started having
more problems three weeks later ... when they found she had diabetes. Because of the back problem (that would just get
worse) we tried treating her with diet and had some success leveling her blood sugar levels but she continued to deteriorate.
4 weeks later we took her in to put her down. She had a bloated abdomine. The didn't do an autopsy (my DH couldn't
bear the thought) but the vet figured she probably had cancer, too. He had her for 13 years, she was in my life for
the last 8 of those.
I am a student and have had some back problems (cost this month - $740 so far) so I don't
have much $$ right now, but I did donate $10. I hope that helps in some small way.
Just spend as much time loving on your baby as possible. He will either pull through,
or he won't, but in the end (whenever that may be) he will know how much you loved him. Just spoil him rotten with tender
loving care.
Hang in there, I know how hard this can be! Keep going to the boards and asking for
support, that is the smartest move you can make.
Best regards,
From: Tracy
Sent: Monday September 27, 2004
Subject: Goliaths TPLO
am so sorry to hear about your troubles with Goliath! I saw your post on the WW board, then I visited your
site. I will talk to my husband tonight to see how we can help. Does your vet hospital offer any kind of financing you could
take advantage of?
I wanted to share my story with you. This may be a little long, but I am hoping you will find a little bit of comfort
or at least a kindred spirit.
About 6 years ago we adopted Rascal, a then 3-1/2 year old Black Lab/Corgi mix, from the Greater Kansas City Humane
Society. Early this year, Rascal (now 9) began limping. We took him to the vet and she thought it was arthritis. We began
giving him some kind of fish oil pills daily and getting him injections weekly. His limping worsened until finally he didn’t
use his leg. We took him to a specialist who determined Rascal needed a TPLO. He got through the surgery without a hitch.
The total cost ended up being a little bit less than estimated…$1800. His recovery period was about 12 weeks. We have
a 2 story house, and since Rascal could not go up and down stairs, we moved all of our furniture upstairs (so he wouldn’t
jump up on it) and moved our mattress downstairs. We ate on the floor, watched tv on the floor, and slept on a mattress on
the floor. It was a looooong 12 weeks. The difference in his personality after recovery was amazing. Before surgery, we thought
Rascal was just getting old and cranky. But he must have been in pain for a while. Now he’s back to his bossy, barky
Almost 2 years ago we adopted Lilly, a then 2-year-old Border Collie/Pointer mix from the Miami County Humane Society.
She had lived her entire life on the streets. Last month she suddenly stopped using her back leg. We took her in to the vet
and, you guessed it, she needed a TPLO, too. I asked the vet, "Is it something we’re doing wrong?" The vet said, "I
don’t think it’s anything you’re doing. It’s just bad luck." The cost was about $2300 I think. There
were complications. Apparently when she was a pup on the streets, she broke her leg (her thigh bone). She never received any
medical attention for it, and when it healed, it healed twisted 30 degrees. The doc was concerned that whatever coping mechanism
she had developed to deal with the twist would be interrupted by the TPLO. There was a chance that the TPLO could make her
lame. She had her surgery about 4 weeks ago. This time recovery is 16 weeks. The first 4 weeks she must be as confined as
possible, so she spends all day in a crate in our Great Room. (Our dogs are used to having full run of the house.) We’ve
bought new furniture since Rascal’s surgery, so we couldn’t move it upstairs. But we did gate off one room, put
a mattress in there, and she sleeps with me at night. She licked her would a LOT; we had to put a cone on her head. But now
that the staples are out she doesn’t seem to be bothered by it as much. She is still limping a little. She is aching
to be let off her leash when we go outside---she loves to run, and those bunnies in the neighbor’s yard seem to be taunting
You can see a few pics of my doggies at: http://www.geocities.com/ilovedogs1212/Dogs.html and http://goolds.tripod.com/dogphotos/
Best of luck to you and Goliath!
June 2000 |

My first day in my new home |